Pillars/ Principles of Accessibility(WCAG-Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

  1. Perceivable

    Means to become aware of, know or identify by means of the senses

    1. Text Alternatives

      1. Non-text content

      • People with certain disabilities will not be able to perceive the information conveyed through non-text content unless an alternate way is provided to convey the same.(to serve the equivalent purpose)

      • Ex: Images, charts, Audio, Video, Graphs,

      • Add alt text for images, charts, graphs, diagrams

      • Provide alt text, captions, transcript for audio and video

      • Audio version for CAPTCHAs

      • Remove alt text for decorative images

  1. Controls, input

    1. form control accepts user input (input, textarea, select, progress, meter, output)

    2. should’ve a name that describes it’s purpose

    3. (label) for-(input) id association

    4. encapsulate form control with label

    5. aria-labelledby

    6. aria-label

    7. title

<button id="search" aria-label="Search"></button>


The text already exist elsewhere in the document. So, using aria-labelledby. Otherwise, should use aria-label as above

<h2 id="searchLabel">Search</h2>

<label for="search">Enter search term

<input type="search" id="search">


<button aria-labelledby="searchLabel"></button>

  1. Time-based media

  2. Test

  3. Sensory


  5. Decoration, formatting, invisible

    1. form control accepts user input (input, textarea, select, progress, meter, output)

    2. should’ve a name that describes it’s purpose

    3. (label) for-(input) id association

    4. encapsulate form control with label

    5. aria-labelledby

    6. aria-label

    7. title

<button id="search" aria-label="Search"></button>


The text already exist elsewhere in the document. So, using aria-labelledby. Otherwise, should use aria-label as above

<h2 id="searchLabel">Search</h2>

<label for="search">Enter search term

<input type="search" id="search">


<button aria-labelledby="searchLabel"></button>

      1. Time based media

      2. Adaptable

      3. Distinguishable

  1. Operable

  2. Understandable

  3. Robust

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