Vite vs CRA

Choosing between Vite and Create React App (CRA) often depends on the specific needs and context of your project. Both tools serve the purpose of bootstrapping React applications, but they have different philosophies and technical implementations. Here's a detailed comparison to help you understand why many developers are opting for Vite over CRA:

1. Build Speed and Performance


  • Faster Development Builds: Vite uses ESBuild, a highly optimized bundler written in Go, for rapid builds and lightning-fast HMR (Hot Module Replacement). This results in almost instant server start times and updates.
  • Instantaneous Updates: Vite leverages native ES modules during development, loading only the parts of the application that change. This dramatically reduces the time to apply changes compared to CRA, especially in large projects.


  • Slower Development Builds: CRA uses Webpack under the hood, which, while powerful, can be slower to start and to apply updates during development, especially as the size of the project grows.
  • Comprehensive Tooling: Despite its slower speed, Webpack offers a mature and feature-rich build toolset, which can be beneficial for complex build configurations.

2. Modern Technology Stack


  • ES Modules: Vite uses native ES modules for modern browsers, allowing a more streamlined and faster development process without the need for bundling during development.
  • Tree-shaking and Code Splitting: Vite inherently supports modern features like tree-shaking and efficient code splitting without additional configuration.


  • Traditional Bundling: CRA relies on Webpack and Babel for transforming and bundling the code, which can be more resource-intensive and slower compared to Vite's approach.
  • Backward Compatibility: CRA is designed to support a wider range of environments and older browsers out-of-the-box, which sometimes requires more extensive polyfilling and transformations.

3. Build Tool Customization


  • Flexible Configuration: Vite offers straightforward configuration with vite.config.js and allows easy customization using plugins and straightforward options.
  • Less Opinionated: Vite’s design is less opinionated, making it easier to integrate with various tools and frameworks like Vue, React, and even Svelte, compared to CRA which is more React-centric.


  • Ejecting for Customization: CRA abstracts away the configuration details. Customizing the build process often requires "ejecting" the project, which exposes all the underlying Webpack and Babel configurations, leading to a more complex and less maintainable setup.
  • Limited Out-of-the-Box Flexibility: While CRA provides a robust starting point for React projects, it can be restrictive if your project needs custom build features without ejecting.

4. Development Experience


  • Seamless Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Vite provides an extremely fast and reliable HMR experience, which is crucial for modern front-end development.
  • Optimized for Modern Frameworks: Vite's architecture is optimized for modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries, making it an ideal choice for projects that want to leverage the latest developments in the ecosystem.


  • Stable and Familiar Setup: CRA is well-established and widely used, providing a stable and familiar environment for developers, especially those who are new to React.
  • Broad Ecosystem Support: CRA benefits from a vast ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community support tailored to its setup.

5. Community and Ecosystem


  • Rapid Growth and Adoption: Vite is gaining popularity rapidly due to its performance benefits and modern approach to front-end development.
  • Active Plugin Ecosystem: Vite has a growing ecosystem of plugins that extend its functionality, though it’s still catching up with the extensive ecosystem of tools available for Webpack (used by CRA).


  • Mature and Well-Supported: CRA has been around longer and is backed by the React team, ensuring long-term support and a large community of users and contributors.
  • Extensive Resources and Examples: Due to its widespread adoption, there are more tutorials, documentation, and third-party tools available for CRA.

6. Production Build Performance


  • Optimized Bundling: Vite uses Rollup for production builds, which is known for efficient bundling and tree-shaking, resulting in smaller and faster bundles.
  • Pre-Bundling: Vite pre-bundles dependencies using ESBuild, which reduces the time it takes to compile and bundle dependencies during production builds.


  • Comprehensive Optimization: CRA provides a robust production build process with comprehensive optimizations, including code splitting and asset optimization, although it might be slower compared to Vite’s build performance.
  • Well-Understood Deployment: CRA's production build process is well-documented and understood, making it easier to integrate with various deployment pipelines.

7. Example Usage Comparison


# Create a Vite project npm create vite@latest my-vite-app -- --template react # Navigate into the project directory cd my-vite-app # Install dependencies npm install # Start the development server npm run dev


# Create a CRA project npx create-react-app my-cra-app # Navigate into the project directory cd my-cra-app # Start the development server npm start


Why Choose Vite:

  • If you prioritize build speed and a modern development experience.
  • When working with modern browsers and frameworks.
  • If you need flexibility and ease of customization without complex configurations.
  • For small to medium projects where rapid iteration and performance are critical.

Why Choose CRA:

  • If you need a stable, well-supported, and widely adopted tool for React development.
  • When supporting a broad range of environments and older browsers.
  • If you prefer a more opinionated setup that abstracts away the complexity of configuration.
  • For projects that might rely on the extensive ecosystem of Webpack plugins and tools.

Both tools are excellent choices depending on the project's needs and the development team's preferences. Vite offers a more modern, faster, and flexible approach, making it a great choice for new projects, especially if you're looking for speed and simplicity. CRA, on the other hand, provides a stable and well-understood environment that is deeply integrated with the React ecosystem. 

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